Privacy Policy
If you find kid-friendly websites, videos, or images that you believe would make good additions to the content in InspireMyKids, we invite you to share them with us so we can continue to improve and grow the quality of the content provided in InspireMyKids.
We put forth our best effort to continually ensure that the content we provide in InspireMyKids is kid-friendly and appropriate for children, and we are confident in our inspection process. However, the nature of the Internet is that it is always evolving, and so there are elements that are not in our ability to control. As such, the possibility exists that inappropriate content could be added to a website we link to and viewed by a child or student before we are able to remove the link. If you find any objectionable content in InspireMyKids, please report it to us as quickly as possible. As soon as we are informed of the objectionable content, we will remove it from InspireMyKids immediately if it violates our website standards.
At InspireMyKids, we want you to have the best Internet experience possible. InspireMyKids strives to provide you with content that is relevant and compelling, yet also kid-friendly and appropriate for children.
We select our contentbased on children’s interests, reading abilities, levels of understanding, and avoidance of exposure to unsuitable subject matter. During the selection process, inspectors ensure that the following topics do not appear in InspireMyKids’ content:
- profanity
- libel / slander
- drugs
- violence
- nudity
- sexual themes / content
- propaganda
- racism
- discrimination
- chat content
- adult content
- To begin considering a subject for inclusion in InspireMyKids, the subject is first researched online to determine availability and quality of related content. If enough quality related content is available, the subject becomes a candidate for inclusion.
- The related content for the subject is narrowed down and chosen based on content guidelines, especially level of appropriateness. Each website, video, and image is thoroughly inspected to ensure its suitability for inclusion – e.g., each page of a website is examined, and each video is watched in its entirety. If enough quality content meets the standards of the content guidelines, the subject is confirmed for inclusion.
- A post is created about the subject. Introductory paragraphs and additional features are written, and then the related content for the subject is inserted as follows: images are embedded, websites are linked to, and videos are embedded (or occasionally linked to). The post is then given a final overall inspection to completely ensure that the content meets InspireMyKids standards.
- The post is categorized, given tags, and assigned keywords relating to value, topic, and age range. This allows the user to navigate InspireMyKids by these sections and thereby view what they feel is most compelling and/or appropriate.
- The post is saved as a draft. It is then reviewed by a separate inspector and, if approved, published as an InspireMyKids article.