Search Results: america

American Flags

United We Stand, Divided We Fall – Quotes About Unity in America

It is a time of change in America. The world is watching…and lately, it has not been all that pretty of a sight.  But, beneath that change and disruption is something much, much greater than all of the noise.  There are the timeless values of America including freedom, unity, and bravery.  Our list of quotes about…

Clara Barton

Clara Barton – American Red Cross Founder Always Put Others First

You may have heard of the Red Cross.  They are an organization that helps people who are in need.  It may be because of a Hurricane, a flood, a war or an earthquake.  No matter how bad the situation, they will always be there to help! But it hasn’t always been this way.  For example,…

Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges – The 6-year-old Girl Who Changed American History

You may have never heard of Ruby Bridges. But if you are a student in a public school, there is a good chance that she has impacted your life and the lives of your classmates. She did so by her brave actions 55 years ago. In 1960, at age 6, Ruby’s parents volunteered her to participate…

Kallin family 3

Not Your Average Summer Vacation! The Kallin Family Treks Across America

It is a good bet that you did not do what Nathan (9) and Maddy (8) Kallin of Dresden, Maine did this past summer!  With their parents, they became only the 16th young family to “thru-hike” the Appalachian Trail. So what does that mean? The Appalachian Trail is no ordinary hiking path.  It stretches 2,160 miles…


Salvatore Giunta, American Hero, Medal of Honor Recipient

I had the rare opportunity to listen to Salvatore Giunta’s story last night in person at an event in Westchester County, New York and felt compelled to share his story with you.  Sal is one of 79 living Medal of Honor recipients living in the United States and a true American hero. Giunta, a 25-year-old from a small…

Memorial Day

Memorial Day – Honoring Some of America's Bravest Heroes

On the last Monday of May each year, America observes a very special and significant occasion – Memorial Day. Although many Americans mark the occasion with festivities related to the beginning of the summer, most importantly the day represents a time to remember and honor those who have selflessly served as veterans in America’s military forces. Without the courage and…

LetsMove Blog

"Let's Move" – Creating a Happier, Healthier Future for America's Kids!

After President Obama was elected in 2008, his wife Michelle wasted no time in getting to work on her own projects to help America be the best it can be. One of the primary tasks Michelle took on was the creation of a program called “Let’s Move”. This program, which is still at work today, seeks…

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National Freedom Day – A Day to Celebrate America!

Each year on February 1, Americans celebrate a little-known but truly inspirational observance……National Freedom Day. On this day  in 1865, President Abraham Lincoln signed into effect what would later become the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution was particularly important, because it was the amendment that outlawed slavery in America, changing the course of our country’s…


Black History Month – Celebrating Great African-American Lives!

Every February, America observes a very special occasion called Black History Month. This observance serves as a time to remember and celebrate the many amazing accomplishments of African-Americans and their importance to our country’s history. Black History Month began in 1926 as Negro History Week, a week of celebration observed in mid-February. In 1976 it was expanded to become…

Pick Up America1

Pick Up America – Cleaning Up Our Country, One Piece of Trash at a Time!

Have you ever walked along a sidewalk, saw trash lying there, and picked it up? If so, you’ve helped clean up the environment and make the world a little bit better! This concept is just what inspired Jeff Chen and Davey Rogner to create Pick Up America. Pick Up America is an organization that does walking tours of…