Search Results: obstacle

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Overcoming Obstacles – The Power of Dyslexia

Although dyslexia is considered to be a “disability”, many of the world’s most brilliant, talented and inspiring people have had dyslexia.

John Mcfall

John McFall – From Paralympian to Para-astronaut!

John McFall’s life story is so inspiring that it could take up a few different stories on IMK! Faced with many challenges in his life, John has never let them stop him.   Despite having his leg amputated as a young man, he has gone on to be first a champion Paralympic athlete and more recently…

Jessica Long

Jessica Long – “The Only Disability in Life is a Negative Attitude”

Jessica Long, from Baltimore, Maryland, USA is a champion by all definitions of the word. She is one of the world’s most decorated swimmers.  Jessica was the youngest athlete, at 12 years old, to win a Paralympics medal. And she is now on a mission to inspire the next generation of Paralympic athletes.  But her…

Amanda Gorman

Amanda Gorman – Using Her Special Gifts to Transform the World!

You may have seen Amanda Gorman, the 22-year-old poet, recite her poem “The Hill We Climb” at the recent Presidential Inauguration Ceremony.  Her words and performance were spectacular and were acclaimed across the world.  But what is even more spectacular is the story of how Amanda arrived at this moment and the lessons she offers…


Quotes for Kids About Grit

Have you ever had a big goal? Like running a 5K race? Building a go-kart? Learning a new instrument? Becoming an actor or actress? Getting a perfect grade in one or more of your classes? Sometimes, new things like this can feel very hard. They push us and challenge us. We may fail several times….

John OLeary

John O’Leary – How A 9 Year Old Burn Survivor Rose from the Ashes

When he was 9 years old, John O’Leary, from St. Louis, Missouri, was playing in his garage when his parents weren’t home.  He lit a match then put it in a gas can to see what would happen.  It created a big explosion and set him on fire. John was burned, severely, over 95% of…

Ross Salvo Sandbox

12 Year Old Ross Salvo – How to Live an Awesome ‘Rossome’ Life!

Ross Salvo, a 12-year-old boy from Newtown, CT, was a very special human being!  He was special in the way he lived, in the way he served, in the way he cared about others and in the way he overcame challenges. In short, Ross was simply awesome ROSSome! ROSS’s EARLY DAYS Ross was a twin and…

jann mardenborough from gamer to

Jann Mardenborough – From Gamer to Formula One Driver!

Jann Mardenborough grew up in Cardiff, United Kingdom, dreaming about racing cars. So, like many kids who cannot yet drive, he became involved playing racing videos games. When he was 8 years old, he started to race Go Karts on a real track.  He loved it. And he was good at it. But it was…

Tajikistani boys 1

Great Quotes for Boys!

You’re just a boy. Maybe even a young man. We get it. But before you know it, you’ll be on the verge of becoming something even greater! You’re going to be a man.  And hopefully a gentleman! We hear people say “be a man” all the time, but what does it really mean? The definition…

Insiders Seal

Movies and TV That Build Character!

Below is an excerpt from the article, “How to support kids’ character and life-skills development through media — and parenting.” By Caroline Knorr Common Sense Media – 3/4/2016.  Republished and edited, with permission, by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that “the function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think…