Search Results: obstacle

role model videos of the week 12

Role Model Videos of the Week 1/22/13

Here are two great videos of role models to inspire you this week. Check out blind skateboarder Tommy Carroll, who shows incredible courage since he first stepped on a board at age obstacles since age 10:     Meet Jeremiah Anthony who takes on cyberbullies at West High in Ames, Iowa with his positive tweets…

nikitageeta castelin

Geeta Castelino – Realizing Her Dreams Despite Her Disability

When Geeta Castelino was two years old, she was diagnosed with polio, a disease that took away her speech and caused her to lose the use of her feet and her right hand. But Geeta had dreams of a happy life, and she wasn’t going to let her polio get in the way of them. Through therapy, she regained…

Brotherhood Final Logo

Brandon Hill – Empowering Success Through The Brotherhood!

Back in 2008, Brandon Hill was a teenager who felt that his life had no real direction. But on November 4, 2008, that all changed. On that day, amid chants of “YES WE CAN!”, Barack Obama became the first African-American president in America’s history.  Seeing how Obama had overcome the obstacles in his life to rise to ultimate…

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Pride, Determination, Resilience (PDR) – The Amazing Swim Team of Jim Ellis

Pride, determination, and resilience – combine these three qualities, and you’ve got a solid foundation for excellence. To Jim Ellis, these qualities were important ones to teach kids, especially underserved kids who might not have many examples of them. Jim chose to teach kids these qualities by sharing with them something he loved – swimming. In 1972, Jim…

brad cohen from misunderstood boy to outstanding success

Brad Cohen – From Misunderstood Boy to Outstanding Success

Brad Cohen is a husband, father, second grade teacher, and author. And, oh yeah, he has Tourette Syndrome. Although Brad has a severe case of Tourette Syndrome, which causes him to have facial tics and make “barking noises”, he has not let it stop him from finding success in life. Because of his Tourette Syndrome,…

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One-Armed High School Football Receiver Inspires a Community

Chance Anthony is a senior starter for his high school football team. He was born with the lower part of his right arm missing. Yet even so, as the lead receiver for the team, his receptions have gone for over 200 yards and two touchdowns. He’s also had 12 solo tackles on defense. When he…

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No Instruments, No Problem: This Band Has Iphones

By now you might have heard the story of the band Atomic Tom. They made a video on a New York City subway using nothing but their voices and their Iphones. The video below shows them singing one of their original songs, called “Take Me Out”. The band started in 2006, but this video really took…

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Blind Painter Is an Inspiration to Many

This is an amazing story of John Bramblitt, who lost his eye sight and sense of purpose but had enough determination to find a new way to express himself to the world, painting. His paintings are truly amazing and an inspiration to many.