We found 48 posts for Quotes

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Great Friendship Quotes for Kids

Friendship is one of life’s greatest gifts.  Unlike some things, like your bedtime, your friends are your choice.  Starting a new friendship can be exciting, but building a great friendship takes work!  Being a TRUE friend means: Being helpful Sticking up for your friend Supporting them Listening well Sharing with them Being honest Here are…

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Great Success Quotes for Students and Kids

What is success?  Everyone seems to think about it quite differently!  While some people think that money or fame equals success, there is a lot more to it than that. True success is not about things or status or money, but is about the kind of person you are and the positive impact you have on the…


Great Quotes About Bravery and Strength for Kids

You know bravery when you see it. Bravery can be as simple as sleeping over a friends house for the first time even when you are scared to do so.  It can be standing up for someone in their time of need. It can be helping someone else, when it is safer to do nothing….

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100+ Incredible Role Models and Stories for Kids About Grit. And 100’s of Quotes Too!

Grit and perseverance are the ability to strive for your goals despite the difficulty. And they may be one of the most important things that you can develop! Research has shown that sticking with your goals, even when things get very difficult, is key to success. If you look at people who have accomplished a lot, chances are…

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Great Creativity Quotes for Kids!

Do you like to think about things that don’t yet exist? Do you like to solve problems or invent things? Do you like new ideas, trying new things, building, writing, drawing or acting?  All of these, are your creativity at work! Creativity is one of the superpowers that can help you become the best version…

writing quotes

Great Quotes for Kids About Writing and Storytelling

Do you love to write?  Or is writing a nightmare for you?  Either way, it is among the most important skills for you to build.  After you read some of the great quotes for kids about writing and storytelling below, we hope you will at least appreciate it more! In fact, you may not yet…

Anne Frank

Great Quotes for Kids about Taking Action and Being Proactive

Taking action and being proactive are two of the most important ingredients to success in life.  People who are action focused get better jobs, better grades, have more impact in the world and have better relationships. When you read the quotes below from many people who helped change the world for good, you can see that…

martin luther king jr a man with

Martin Luther King, Jr. – A Man with a Dream

Every year in mid-January, America celebrates a holiday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. By many counts, Dr. King was just an ordinary man – a husband, a father, and a pastor at his church. But his incredible dedication to a great cause made him also an inspirational world-changer worthy of the highest honor. Throughout his adult life,…

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Great Quotes for Kids About Love!

You probably hear the word “love” many times each week. You may hear it from a parent, a friend, in your place of worship, on tv or in a book. You may even say the word love a lot yourself! You may use the word love about a song, a food or your family pet. You may…

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Great Quotes for Kids About Passion and Enthusiasm

What are the things  in school and in life that get you most excited?  Maybe its sports or animals or music or cooking or Legos or writing or art or drama or cars or fashion or computers or helping people?  Maybe it is all of those things? Do you have something that you are passionate about?…

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