We found 293 posts for dare

Harmony Project Ventura County1

Harmony Project – Helping Kids Make Beautiful Music of Their Lives

One Sunday, Margaret Martin was at an outdoor market in Los Angeles. She was there watching her son play the violin, making music for people on the street to hear. While standing there, Margaret watched a group of tough-looking gang members approach her son. As she looked on, she saw the tough demeanors of the gang members soften as they…

City Year

City Year – Improving the World, One Year at a Time

If you had a year’s time that you could devote to anything in the world, what would it be? For one very special group of people, the answer is City Year. City Year is an organization that gives young people the opportunity to serve others in a major way. The people who take part in City Year…


Giavanni Ruffin – Determination Beyond Compare

At East Carolina University, Giavanni Ruffin was a talented, promising football player. However, when the time came for the NFL draft, Giavanni somehow didn’t get picked. But Giavanni didn’t let that discourage him. Instead, he became a free agent and got to work making sure he and his game were in top form. Currently, Giavanni is still a free agent,…


Words To Live By……

Sometimes it can be tough being a kid. The “roller coaster ride” of school, homework, sports, activities, family relationships, and peer interactions can be overwhelming at times. It can be hard to know just how to handle it all! When the going gets tough, many people, adults and kids alike, turn to words of wisdom for encouragement and motivation.  With…


Claudette Colvin – A Brave Advocate for Racial Equality

Most people are familiar with the inspiring story of Rosa Parks, the African-American lady who refused to give up her bus seat in 1955 during the civil rights movement. But did you know that there was actually another who performed the same peaceful protest months earlier? This other person was Claudette Colvin, a 15-year-old African-American girl. She,…

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Our Children's Trust Climate-Change Lawsuit – Fighting for a Better Tomorrow

It is often said that the world is not what it used to be. In some ways, this is great news! Things like advances in medicine, new technologies and inventions, and greater equality for all have made life today better than ever before. But in one significant way, the world is changing for the worse. This is due…

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Jacob Barnett – A Real-Life Boy Genius!

At first glance, Jacob Barnett looks like an ordinary 13-year-old kid. He wears sweatshirts and backward baseball caps, goes to school, and hangs out with his family. But the reality is that Jacob is anything but ordinary! You see, Jacob is a genius………. As a toddler, Jacob was diagnosed with autism. But as he got older, he began to show signs of incredible intelligence. And now, as a 13-year-old college…

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Pride, Determination, Resilience (PDR) – The Amazing Swim Team of Jim Ellis

Pride, determination, and resilience – combine these three qualities, and you’ve got a solid foundation for excellence. To Jim Ellis, these qualities were important ones to teach kids, especially underserved kids who might not have many examples of them. Jim chose to teach kids these qualities by sharing with them something he loved – swimming. In 1972, Jim…

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Kids Can Be Heroes Too! Stories of Courageous Kids

When you think of a hero, who do you think of? A firefighter? A police officer? A character with superhuman powers, a mask, and a cape? Well, the truth is that heroes come in all forms. They can be men or women, rich or poor, or old or young. In fact, some of the most heroic…


Kamael Sugrim – "mPowering" the Poor to Improve their Lives!

Kamael Sugrim graduated from Stanford University in 2005. As such, she was lucky enough to be present for the famous commencement address Steve Jobs gave at Stanford that year. In fact, it was Steve Jobs’ speech that inspired Kamael to take part in founding an organization called mPowering that helps change the lives of those who need it…

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