We found 33 posts for Perseverance

Chris 1

No Limbs No Matter – A Farmer Makes the Most of His Gifts

Chris is a farmer at Apricot Lane Farms in Moorpark, California.  He works hard, performs many jobs around the farm and has a great attitude. But Chris is not exactly like other farmers at Apricot Lane or elsewhere.  What is unique is that he was born without arms or legs.  Yet, this has not stopped…

Shawn Lesniak 2

Sean Lesniak – 11 Year Old is Making Waves to Save Sharks!

Like many young people, 11 year old Sean Lesniak is fascinated with sharks.  However, Sean is not just interested in learning about them and watching them, but about helping them to survive. Sean’s passion for sharks started very early in life.  When Sean was just 3 years old, while watching Shark Week, he learned that…

hurricane hockey

‘Hurricane Hazel’ McCallion : 94 Year Old Former Mayor and Hockey Player Starts Her Next Adventure!

If you search the entire earth, you are likely not to find another person anything like ‘Hurricane’ Hazel McCallion.   Last year, at 93 years old, Hazel finally decided to retire as mayor of a 200,000 person Canadian city, Mississauga.  She was their mayor for 36 years and 12 terms!  As mayor, she was so popular that the last…


Louis Braille – While Just A Teen, He Became a Pioneer for the Blind!

Back in the nineteenth century, when Louis Braille was just three years old, an accident left him blind. As he grew, Louis wanted to read and write, but he felt frustrated with the few slow, difficult methods available at the time for blind people. So Louis came up with an idea, and as a teenager, he invented a special…

zach hodskins one armed star hoopster and amazing role model

Zach Hodskins: One Armed Star Hoopster and Amazing Role Model

Zach Hodskins was born with one arm, but from a very young age he has focused on his ability rather than his disability. He took a love of basketball, a positive attitude, faith and great determination to build his skills to be become one of the top High School players in Georgia. “I just love…

Arushi Madan

Arushi Madan – A 16 Year Old "Green Machine" Changing Her Community With Environmental Passion

Sixteen year old Arushi Madan from the United Arab Emirates just celebrated her 16th birthday. When you hear about all that she has done to help the environment in her sixteen years, you may not believe her age!   Like many young people we feature on IMK, Arushi’s accomplishments stem from her passion.  In her case, it…

Lauren Hill

Lauren Hill's Legacy – Find Something to Fight For

You may recall the very inspiring story of Lauren Hill which we brought to InspireMyKids last fall.  If not, please take a moment to check it out now. Lauren was diagnosed with brain cancer just before she was able to fulfill her ultimate dream…to play college basketball. While others might have given up on their dream,…

great hero quotes for kids

Great Hero Quotes for Kids

When you think of the word “hero”, who comes to mind? A firefighter? A soldier? A comic-book crimefighter? Well, these do all fit into the category of hero, but many others do as well. For instance, an animal that rescues its family from a fire is most definitely a hero! So is a volunteer who quietly feeds…


Never Give Up – Minnesota Girls Basketball Team Shows the Power of Perseverance

The Climax-Fisher Knights High School girls basketball team from Minnesota accomplished something that few others teams ever have done. They lost 84 games in a row! That is a lot of losing. During each of those games, though, their coach said they played hard and kept their spirits up. While a few girls quit during…

Hannah 1

Hannah Taylor – The LadyBug Foundation and Passion for the Homeless

When Hannah Taylor was 5, she saw a person on the street eat out of a garbage can. The sight made her sad and angry, but it also did something else – it inspired in her a passion to help people like the one she saw. Hannah began by learning all she could about poverty and…

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