We found 293 posts for Responsibility


Earth Day 2012 – Taking Care of Our Home and Preserving Our Future

Every spring, on April 22, the world marks one of its most important observances – Earth Day! Why is it so significant? Earth Day is extremely important because it’s all about the future of the planet we call home! Earth Day celebrates the earth we have and strongly encourages all people to help take care of our…

LetsMove Blog

"Let's Move" – Creating a Happier, Healthier Future for America's Kids!

After President Obama was elected in 2008, his wife Michelle wasted no time in getting to work on her own projects to help America be the best it can be. One of the primary tasks Michelle took on was the creation of a program called “Let’s Move”. This program, which is still at work today, seeks…

Brotherhood Final Logo

Brandon Hill – Empowering Success Through The Brotherhood!

Back in 2008, Brandon Hill was a teenager who felt that his life had no real direction. But on November 4, 2008, that all changed. On that day, amid chants of “YES WE CAN!”, Barack Obama became the first African-American president in America’s history.  Seeing how Obama had overcome the obstacles in his life to rise to ultimate…

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For Reading That's Fun, Dr. Seuss Is the One!

On March 2 each year, America celebrates a very special event called Read Across America. This event takes place in order to emphasize the fun and importance of reading, and it is celebrated on the birthday of one of the all-time greatest children’s authors, Dr. Seuss! Also known as Theodor Seuss Geisel (and even sometimes Theo…


Benjamin's Hope – A Place Where We All Belong

At 15 months old, Benjamin Mason was a typical toddler with a budding vocabulary and an active curiosity. But then, over the next few months, Benjamin started to withdraw, losing his vocabulary and turning completely inward. Doctors diagnosed Benjamin as having profound autism. Despite his autism, the Masons tried to give Benjamin a normal life. However, his severe autism made it hard for him to participate…

Victory garden

Victory Gardens – A Blast From the Past That's Blooming Today!

During World War II, many people had victory gardens. These were gardens that people planted in order to ease food supply shortages that occurred during the war. A victory garden was regarded as a patriotic way to help the war effort. Today, victory gardens have had a resurgence. With the recent downturn in the economy, many…

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National Freedom Day – A Day to Celebrate America!

Each year on February 1, Americans celebrate a little-known but truly inspirational observance……National Freedom Day. On this day  in 1865, President Abraham Lincoln signed into effect what would later become the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution was particularly important, because it was the amendment that outlawed slavery in America, changing the course of our country’s…


Black History Month – Celebrating Great African-American Lives!

Every February, America observes a very special occasion called Black History Month. This observance serves as a time to remember and celebrate the many amazing accomplishments of African-Americans and their importance to our country’s history. Black History Month began in 1926 as Negro History Week, a week of celebration observed in mid-February. In 1976 it was expanded to become…

Harmony Project Ventura County1

Harmony Project – Helping Kids Make Beautiful Music of Their Lives

One Sunday, Margaret Martin was at an outdoor market in Los Angeles. She was there watching her son play the violin, making music for people on the street to hear. While standing there, Margaret watched a group of tough-looking gang members approach her son. As she looked on, she saw the tough demeanors of the gang members soften as they…

City Year

City Year – Improving the World, One Year at a Time

If you had a year’s time that you could devote to anything in the world, what would it be? For one very special group of people, the answer is City Year. City Year is an organization that gives young people the opportunity to serve others in a major way. The people who take part in City Year…

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