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Great Quotes for Kids about Patience and Self Control

“Patience” is word that you have probably heard a lot!  But you may wonder…”what on earth is patience, and why does everyone keep telling me to have it?” Patience is waiting for something or someone.  It is accepting delay without getting angry or upset. It is waiting for someone else to speak when you have something to…

Stephen Curry

Steph Curry – Hard Work, Faith and Passion Create a Life of Impact

You may have heard of Steph Curry, a guard for basketball’s Golden State Warriors. Many people think he is the best shooter that ever played the sport! And, last year, he was the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Most Valuable Player and led his team to the Championship!   How did he get to this point? Although his…

great hero quotes for kids

Great Hero Quotes for Kids

When you think of the word “hero”, who comes to mind? A firefighter? A soldier? A comic-book crimefighter? Well, these do all fit into the category of hero, but many others do as well. For instance, an animal that rescues its family from a fire is most definitely a hero! So is a volunteer who quietly feeds…

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Braylon O’Neill – When Lifes Throws a Curveball, Hit it Out of the Park

Braylon O’Neill likes to do the same things that many other athletic 6-year-old boys do. His is super active.  He enjoys sports like baseball, gymnastics, swimming, golf, and tennis. He also likes to run. The only thing different about Braylon is that he does all of this using two prosthetic (or artificial) legs! Braylon was born…


Kayla Montgomery Inspires On and Off the Track

Kayla Montgomery is battling Multiple Sclerosis (MS), yet she happens to be one of the top female runners in North Carolina. MS is a disease that interrupts communication between the brain and the rest of the body.  MS often makes standing and walking very difficult, let alone running. With every race Kayla completely looses feeling in her…


The Panyee Football Club – A Near-Impossible Dream Realized

Once upon a time, there was a group of boys who wanted to play soccer……… This might not sound like the start of a typical fairy tale of wishes and magic. But for the boys of the Panyee Football Club, this was the beginning of their dream come true. Only their dream came true not through…

Bethany Hamilton 1

Bethany Hamilton – Soul Surfer Has Heart The Size of the Ocean

Bethany Hamilton was a 13 year home schooled girl who loved to surf and dreamed of becoming a pro surfer. One day, on a local surfing trip with her friends, she was attacked by a shark and tragically lost one of her of arms. Just one month after this incident, with her goals still in mind,…

great quotes and stories for kids about the value of learning and education1

Great Quotes for Kids About Education and Learning

Education and learning are one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be.  How open you are to learning will help determine your path in life. Education does not just happen at school.  It is not just about Math and other subjects.  Your education and learning are happening all the time….


Ben Carson – From Troubled Youth to Inspirational Success!

When Ben Carson was a boy, most people didn’t think he’d do much with his life. He was poor, he got bad grades, and he got into trouble a lot. But in one way, Ben was very lucky – he had a mother who believed in him and pushed him to work harder and be more determined….

jacob rainey quarterback amputee

Jacob Rainey – Quarterback, Amputee and U of Virginia Recruit

Jacob Rainey was a star varsity l quarterback at Woodberry Forest School in Virginia when he suffered a terrible injury to his leg during practice. After one month of trying to save his leg, doctors had no choice but to amputate it above his knee. For many people, this would be the end of their…