We found 293 posts for Responsibility
Newtown’s Children Help it Rise
When something bad happens you have many choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you or you can let it inspire and strengthen you. Here in my hometown of Newtown, CT, I am amazingly inspired by the actions of children I see around me who are doing good things to help…
Wanda Butts: Making Good Come From Tragedy
In 2006, Wanda Butts experienced a great tragedy. Her 16 year old son, Josh, drowned while rafting in Michigan. One year later, focused on making something good come from this horrible event, Wanda started a program to teach children how to swim. She started the Josh Project and through this program has been able to help…
Chy Johnson, Bullied No More Thanks to the Football Team
16 year old Chy Johnson was born with a brain disorder that made her the target of bullies at her High School in Queen Creek, Arizona. After learning how their classmate was being treated, football stars Carson Jones and Tucker Workman decided to take action. And instead of going after the bullies, they took a…
Videos of the Week (11/23/12)
Here are 3 great stories to inspire you this week. Watch Jason Smith Jr. score a touchdown in his wheelchair thanks to some great sportsmanship: Learn how heroic 9-Year-Old Tristan Saghin saved his little sister using CPR: Watch how 8 year old Johnny Karlinchak creates a lemonade stand to help pay for damage to a…
Showing Gratitude on Veterans Day and All Year Long
On Veterans Day, we are reminded of all the brave people who make sacrifices to serve our nation. There are many ways to show gratitude to our veterans. You can attend a Veterans Day ceremony or just simply take time to say thank you to veterans you meet in your daily life. The Gratitude Campaign was created to do just that. This video…
Boy Scouts in Action!
The Boy Scouts have long been known as a top-notch group that encourages boys to be the best they can be. The Boy Scouts help boys develop character, learn how to become responsible citizens, and even improve their fitness! And the results of this group’s efforts with boys have been nothing short of amazing. Boy Scout…
Abbie Jacobson – A Sweet Reward for a Selfless Act of Compassion!
8-year-old Abbie Jacobson was shopping with her mom one day when she looked down and saw it……a small green purse with a lot of money and jewelry inside. For many young girls, the temptation might have been to keep the newfound treasure. But Abbie….. her first thought was one of compassion. She immediately took the purse to…
Emily Buell – Helping Disabled Students with her College Bound Canines!
It’s that time of year again……back-to-school time! For kindergarteners through those heading off to college, it’s a time of new beginnings and new challenges. But for students with disabilities, especially those entering college, the challenges of a new school year may be overwhelming. High school student Emily Buell realized this, and she decided to do something about…
John Orozco – No Gold, But Still a Champion by any Measure
Olympic gymnast John Orozco may not have medaled at the 2012 London Olympics, but he still has reason to hold his head high. John started life as a poor boy from the Bronx who happened to like gymnastics. His parents enrolled him in a gymnastics class, and that started it all….. Although it was not easy for John…
Memorial Day – Honoring Some of America's Bravest Heroes
On the last Monday of May each year, America observes a very special and significant occasion – Memorial Day. Although many Americans mark the occasion with festivities related to the beginning of the summer, most importantly the day represents a time to remember and honor those who have selflessly served as veterans in America’s military forces. Without the courage and…