cassandra starts the good night sleep tight program to comfort foster children

Kassandra Gonsalves Comforts Foster Kids With Good Night Sleep Tight Program

Kassandra Gonsalves wanted to comfort foster children as they move from one place to another. So she started Good Night, Sleep Tight to help do just that. Check out how Kassandra gets others involved in this great idea. And she got it started when she was only 10 years old!

Additional Resources:

  • Here is an article written by Kassandra about Good Night Sleep Tight.
  • Check out this website to learn more about foster kids.

Topics for Discussion:

  • If you had to pack all your important belongings in one bag, could you do it?
  • What qualities does Kassandra show in wanting to help foster kids and taking action to do it?

Take Action:

  • Kassandra got inspired by noticing a need in her community. What needs in your community can you do something about?
  • See the Adopt US Kids website to learn more about foster kids and how you can help them!

Teacher Features:

  • Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for elementary school students.
  • Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for middle school students.


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