the band naturally 7 inspire through music on the london tube

The Band Naturally 7 Inspires Through Music on the London Tube

It has long been believed that music can inspire at any given moment in time. This time it was in the Tube in London with a hip hop American group named Naturally 7. This group is amazing – they create the sound of an entire band using no instruments, just their voices! This video shows Naturally 7 in action. Watch the subway riders go from indifferent to completely inspired by the end of the song.

Additional Resources:

  • Here is an article about Naturally 7.
  • Here’s another video showing Naturally 7 singing the song “More Than Words”.

Topics for Discussion:

  • How does music inspire you?
  • How do you think the Band Naturally 7 can play without instruments? How much practice do you think they had to do to get this good?
  • How would you compare being on a team to being in a band?

Take Action:

  • Naturally 7 uses their musical talent to inspire others. Use your talents to inspire others, just as they do!
  • Check out the kids’ volunteer page of the Online Christian Colleges website to learn some creative ways you can volunteer!

Teacher Features:

  • Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for elementary school students.
  • Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for middle school students.


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