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Gary Kuhre – He Walked Across America to Help His Autistic Son

Gary Kuhre was a man on a mission – he wanted to walk across America. But Gary was not doing it for himself – rather, he was taking it on to increase awareness about autism and hopefully help his son Joshua, who had been diagnosed with autism. Gary set out to walk from Reno, NV to Washington, D.C. He came close to completing his journey, but in the end he didn’t quite make it……

Although Gary did not finish his walk, he did succeed in another very significant way. In showing such incredible devotion to his autistic son, Gary gained much attention and achieved his goal of bringing awareness about autism to people all across America!

This video tells Gary’s amazing story.

Additional Resources:

  • Here is an article that tells about Gary’s walk for his autistic son.
  • Here is another InspireMyKids story about a boy with autism and a father who went above and beyond to help him.

Topics for Discussion:

  • What made Gary decide to walk all the way across America?
  • Gary was willing to do whatever it would take to help his son. Who would you be willing to do the same for?

Take Action:

  • Visit the Autism Speaks website to learn more about autism and how you can help support people with this condition.
  • Visit the Walk Now For Autism Speaks website to learn how you can participate in an autism walk!

Teacher Features:

  • Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for elementary school students.
  • Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for middle school students.


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