Alec Loorz – Starting at Age 12, Environmental Activist Inspires Students to Take Action
A few years back, Alec Loorz was moved by watching the movie “Inconvenient Truth”. He decided to apply to become an official presenter for Al Gore.
At first Alec was rejected for being too young. But later Mr. Gore learned Alec’s story and invited him to be a featured speaker. But Alec had not waited for Mr. Gore. Instead, he decided to take action on his own.
Today, Alec is an inspirational young leaders on the topic of the environment. He speaks to people all over the country, including the U.S. Senate! Over 2,000 kids have joined his cause. He is now working on a world event that will ask kids worldwide to take a stand against climate change. This video tells all about Alec’s vision and his remarkable efforts.
Additional Resources:
- Here is an article about Alex and his efforts.
- Here is another video about Alec and the topic of global warming.
Topics for Discussion:
- What does global warming mean to you?
- What separates Alec from most people?
- Have you ever felt passion for something you wanted to change?
Take Action:
- Visit Alec’s website, learn more about his efforts, invite him to your school and take action yourself.
- Check out the Action for Nature community which encourages young people to take action to nurture and protect the environment.