We found 293 posts for Kristen Blake


Great Quotes for Kids About the Importance of Family!

Who do you spend the most time with? If something bad happens at school or with a friend, who do you turn to? You may have a lot of friends in your life, but you will always have family. Through good times and bad, our family supports and loves us, no matter what! Family is…

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Great Quotes for Kids About Love!

You probably hear the word “love” many times each week. You may hear it from a parent, a friend, in your place of worship, on tv or in a book. You may even say the word love a lot yourself! You may use the word love about a song, a food or your family pet. You may…


Great Quotes for Kids about Good Manners!

Has anyone ever bumped into you and then not said anything? Have you ever held a door for someone and they did not say thank you or smile? These are good examples of bad manners. Little things like this can grow into bigger problems and bad habits as people grow older. In fact, your manners…


Great Quotes About Taking Risks for Kids!

What do you think of when you hear the word “risk”? Jumping out of a plane or bungee jumping? Physical risk is one type of risk and can be dangerous. But not all risk is bad. In fact, there are many, many kinds of good risks! So what what kinds of risk are good? Taking…

Confident Girl

Great Confidence Quotes for Kids!

It’s not always easy being a kid! There are lot of new challenges that you face every day. Like raising your hand in class or making new friends. No matter how old you are, one thing that will help is confidence! So, what is confidence all about? Confidence is believing in yourself. It’s about not doubting your…

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Great Gratitude Quotes for Kids!

Do you have an attitude of gratitude?  Gratitude is about focusing on the good and being thankful for the things we have. Studies have shown that living a grateful life can increase happiness. It’s good for our mind and body! When we make a habit of gratitude, we have a more positive attitude.  This can…

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Great Quotes for Boys!

You’re just a boy. Maybe even a young man. We get it. But before you know it, you’ll be on the verge of becoming something even greater! You’re going to be a man.  And hopefully a gentleman! We hear people say “be a man” all the time, but what does it really mean? The definition…

Video Game Design

Careers that Count: So You Want to Be a Video Game Designer?

The Job: Video Game Designer The Gist:  Do you live to play video games? Imagine if you make one up one all of your own! If you’re a video game designer, you can do just that: Come up with an idea for a game, then work with artists and programmers to create the characters and…


Careers that Count: So You Want to Be a Firefighter?

So You Want to Be a Firefighter? The Job: Firefighter   The Gist:  Do you jump into action in emergency situations? If you’re fearless, active, and love to help others, this may be the right career for you! Firefighters are typically known to put out fires, but they have many jobs. Whether it’s a car…

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Careers That Count: So You Want to Be a Veterinarian?

What do you want to be when you grow up? Your answer probably changes every day. Or maybe someone you have aspired to be something specific and you’re already working towards it. Whatever your aspirations, it’s never to early to get going on those goals. So each week, we will be highlighting a particular career,…

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