George Grimwade – A Giant On the Field; A Giant Heart Off the Field
George Grimwade was a giant on the field and off of it. An award-winning football player at Samford University in Alabama, Grimwade stands over 6‘8“ tall and weighs over 300 pounds! But it was his big heart off the field that really showed what a giant human being he is.
George has always had a very close relationship with his stepfather, Michael Musto. In second grade, Michael married George’s mom and has been a very involved father to him since that time.
George with his Mom and Stepdad
During his last season as a Samford football player, George decided he wanted to honor and surprise his stepdad by presenting him with a jersey at one of his games. But it was not just the jersey that was the big surprise. As Michael J. Fox said, in our list of great quotes for kids about the importance of Family: “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.”
Please watch this awesome and inspirational video to learn the real surprise and see George’s giant heart in action:
Additional Resources:
- Take a look other inspiring stories for kids about Family on InspireMyKids
- Check out some IMK’s inspiring quotes for kids about Love and the Importance of Family
- See what George is up to now. He has since gone on to graduate from Samford University and is working for his stepdad’s company, MM Medical Supply
Topics for Discussion:
- What qualities and character traits does George exhibit?
- What does family mean to you?
- How did you think George’s action made his stepdad feel?
- Have you ever surprised a family member with something good? Something that showed your love?
Take Action:
- As Mother Teresa said, “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” So go home and do something nice for a member of your family.
- Think about a way your can surprise your family with something that shows how much you care about them. Here is a great list of ideas for kids to do so.