Jason O'Neill – Giving Back for a Great Cause
By inspiredKiD
Teddy bears fill the home of child entrepreneur Jason O’Neill. The teddy bears are every size, shape, and color, and they nearly take over the house. This is because Jason collects these teddy bears in order to donate them to sick children at Christmastime.
This video tells the story of Jason and his Christmas teddy bear drives.
Additional Resources:
- Here’s an article that tells all about Jason’s wonderful charity work.
Topics for Discussion:
- What made Jason want to donate teddy bears at Christmastime?
- Who has helped Jason in his business and his charity work?
Take Action:
- Visit Jason’s Pencil Bugs website to learn how you can participate in his next teddy bear drive!
- Visit the website for the Rady Children’s Hospital to learn other ways you can help the children there.
Teacher Features:
- Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for elementary school students.
- Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for middle school students.