Search Results: teacher

atomic tom1 1

No Instruments, No Problem: This Band Has Iphones

By now you might have heard the story of the band Atomic Tom. They made a video on a New York City subway using nothing but their voices and their Iphones. The video below shows them singing one of their original songs, called “Take Me Out”. The band started in 2006, but this video really took…

the band naturally 7 inspire through music on the london tube

The Band Naturally 7 Inspires Through Music on the London Tube

It has long been believed that music can inspire at any given moment in time. This time it was in the Tube in London with a hip hop American group named Naturally 7. This group is amazing – they create the sound of an entire band using no instruments, just their voices! This video shows Naturally 7 in action. Watch the…

homeless teenager nick wood shows courage everyday

Homeless Teenager Nick Wood Shows Courage Every Day

Nick Wood is an inspirational teenager. He is homeless, but he doesn’t let his circumstances bring him down. In fact, he finds a way to thrive in a new school and environment. He does so with the help of a thoughtful football coach and because he wants to create a better life for himself. Additional Resources: Here is an article that…

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NBA Player Takes a 13-year-old Ball Boy's Advice to Heart

Terrence Williams is an NBA player for the New Jersey Nets. Recently, he learned a valuable lesson when he did a stint with the Nets D league affiliate. He was sent there as a punishment for being late to practice and meetings. Sometimes it’s easy to lose your perspective on how furtunate you are. But luckily…

john wood left microsoft to change the world by building libraries in third world countries

John Wood Left Microsoft to Change the World by Building Libraries in Third World Countries

In 1998, John Wood was a Microsoft executive when he took a vacation that changed his life forever. The vacation started as a trekking holiday in Nepal, but it became a spiritual journey and then a mission. John decided he wanted to change the world one book and one child at a time by setting up libraries in the developing…

bendabilli 1

Handicapped Band Staff Benda Bilili Inspires the World

Imagine that you live in one of the poorest countries on earth. Now imagine that you are also a paraplegic and live on the grounds of a zoo. What do you do? You focus on your abilities! Staff Benda Bilili is a band in Congo whose members have various physical ailments. They joined together in 2004 to focus on…


How Much Joy Can a Bike Bring To A Child in Need? Ask Dan Austin, Founder of 88 Bikes.

In 2006, Dan Austin and his brother spent two weeks in Cambodia working at a children’s hospital. During that trip, they took a bike ride through the countryside. Then, after they rode, they planned to donate their bikes to the local orphanage. They thought this act of kindness would make a great ending to their Cambodian trip. But after they met the 88…

tayla kelley dancing her way through life despite illness

Tayla Kelley – Dancing Her Way Through Life Despite Illness

Do you think you have it hard? Tayla Kelley has had it hard for a long time. She has a rare health issue that has kept her in and out of hospitals for much of her life. But still she has a positive outlook, determination and a passion for dancing. Using these, she turns her adversity into inspiration for her…

Johnnas Class1

Feedback from the Education Community

Educator Website Feedback InspireMyKids was recently reviewed and highlighted as a Featured Site here by the outstanding and free teacher resource website,  Among the practical ways their editors envision using InspireMyKids in the classroom: “Share stories from the site on your interactive whiteboard or projector when learning about character traits such as sportsmanship, perseverance, and…



Welcome teachers and educators. We are THRILLED to have you visit our site! We originally created for our kids, but thought that the content could have relevance in the classroom. Since launching the site (in late 2010), we have had many inspiring teachers embrace what we are doing, use the site effectively in their classrooms…