We found 48 posts for Education
Great Friendship Quotes for Kids
Friendship is one of life’s greatest gifts. Unlike some things, like your bedtime, your friends are your choice. Starting a new friendship can be exciting, but building a great friendship takes work! Being a TRUE friend means: Being helpful Sticking up for your friend Supporting them Listening well Sharing with them Being honest Here are…
Maria Keller – How An 8 Year Old Started A Movement for Every Kid to Read Indeed!
Books have tremendous power. Between their pages, readers can be transported to anywhere imaginable and become just about anyone…or anything. Unfortunately, many children all over the world don’t have access to books! For several years now, Maria Keller, a 16-year-old girl from Minneapolis, Minnesota, has been changing that fact. When she was 8 years old, Maria already…
Allan Maman – 17 Year Old with ADHD Created Fidget Spinner Empire!
As a 17 year old growing up Armonk, NY, Allan Maman was always thinking and tinkering. When fidget spinners first came out, he was curious. As a young man with ADHD, the constant motion of the spinner looked very interesting to him. He ordered some online. He found the products to be of poor quality,…
Great Success Quotes for Students and Kids
What is success? Everyone seems to think about it quite differently! While some people think that money or fame equals success, there is a lot more to it than that. True success is not about things or status or money, but is about the kind of person you are and the positive impact you have on the…
100+ Incredible Role Models and Stories for Kids About Grit. And 100’s of Quotes Too!
Grit and perseverance are the ability to strive for your goals despite the difficulty. And they may be one of the most important things that you can develop! Research has shown that sticking with your goals, even when things get very difficult, is key to success. If you look at people who have accomplished a lot, chances are…
Captain Underpants Author Dav Pilkey – The Super Power of Imagination!
Dav Pilkey, the inventor of Captain Underpants, has achieved some great success in his life. Although he had awesome parents who always supported him, things did start out so great for him as a young student. He was criticized in school by his teachers. He had a hard time focusing in class. And he didn’t…
Great Quotes for Kids About Writing and Storytelling
Do you love to write? Or is writing a nightmare for you? Either way, it is among the most important skills for you to build. After you read some of the great quotes for kids about writing and storytelling below, we hope you will at least appreciate it more! In fact, you may not yet…
Felix Finkbeiner – A Trillion Trees to Plant!
When Felix Finkbeiner was nine, a teacher in his class in Munich, Germany asked them to prepare a report about climate change. As Felix started doing research, he learned about a woman named Wangari Maathai who had helped get 30 million trees planted in Africa. She had done this to help restore the billions of trees that…
Gross for Good! 7th Grader, Stephen Litt, Uses Worms to Cure Cancer!
Stephen Litt is a very curious 7th grader at Lovinggood Middle School, near Atlanta, Georgia. His life has also been impacted by two relatives who have had breast cancer. So when it was time for his school’s science fair, he decided to something important – research a cure for cancer! First, he learned that Japanese people…
Great Quotes for Kids About Love!
You probably hear the word “love” many times each week. You may hear it from a parent, a friend, in your place of worship, on tv or in a book. You may even say the word love a lot yourself! You may use the word love about a song, a food or your family pet. You may…