We found 37 posts for Human Rights
Great Quotes for Kids about Patience and Self Control
“Patience” is word that you have probably heard a lot! But you may wonder…”what on earth is patience, and why does everyone keep telling me to have it?” Patience is waiting for something or someone. It is accepting delay without getting angry or upset. It is waiting for someone else to speak when you have something to…
Nicholas Lowinger – Incredible Teen Has Sole for the Homeless
When he was just 5 years old, Nicholas Lowinger visited a homeless shelter with his mom. While there, he wanted to show off his new light up shoes. However, with his mom’s guidance, he realized this would not be a good idea. That is because when he looked around, many of the kids did not have…
An Attitude of Gratitude
Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? Or are you jealous of what another person has? Do you want a lot of things that you don’t have? Maybe you should change the way you are thinking? Maybe you are just not grateful enough for all that you DO have. Watch this brief video and think…
Steph Curry – Hard Work, Faith and Passion Create a Life of Impact
You may have heard of Steph Curry, a guard for basketball’s Golden State Warriors. Many people think he is the best shooter that ever played the sport! And, last year, he was the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Most Valuable Player and led his team to the Championship! How did he get to this point? Although his…
Cecily Mohamed and Krysten Muir – Two Teenagers Who Are Kicking Down Barriers!
They live on opposite sides of the United States, but they are bound by courage, dedication, hard work and talent. In fact, these two teenage girls are in a whole different league! You see, Cecily Mohamed and Krysten Muir happen to be the starting kickers for their high school varsity football teams! Each of them has…
Life Lessons and Quotes for Kids from Disney Characters!
You probably think of Disney characters and movies as a lot of fun and, often, amazing. But did you ever think that each movie offers great life lessons about things like patience, perseverance, kindness and tolerance? Well, it’s true. To prove it, we have compiled a list of great quotes for kids from famous Disney characters: There is nothing wrong with…
Lilly Diuble – 12 Year Old Girl Going Blind Has Great Vision to Help Others
At birth, Lilly Diuble was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome, a rare disease that causes people to go blind and deaf. At 12 years old, Lilly still has some sight and hearing, but it is fading. Yet, her condition has not led her into a world of pity, but one of giving and living life to…
Girl Power! Inspiring Quotes for Girls
Being a girl is cool, but it isn’t always easy! For no good reason, girls are not always given the same chances as boys. For example, in some countries, girls are not offered an education . In fact, 66 million girls around the world are out of school! Have you ever been told that you couldn’t…
Traci Weinstein – 10 Year Old Wears Out Poverty With Soul4Soles!
Ten-year-old Traci Weinstein from New York has a lot of soul and, now, a lot of (shoe) soles! Traci’s interest in shoes started when she learned that every day, all around the world, children cannot attend school and adults are unable to work because they do not have shoes. She learned that one pair of…
Yash Gupta: Teenager With A Clear Vision to Help Others See
Yash Gupta has worn glasses for many years. When they broke one day and he was not able to wear them to school (Northwood High School in Irvine, CA), he had a big problem. He could not see much of what was going on in his classroom and, at the end of the day, realized…