We found 293 posts for Leadership


Miss Amazing Inc. – Giving the Word Pageant A Whole New Meaning

For Jordan Somer, pageants have always been a very positive part of her life, helping her to find self-confidence, define and achieve goals, and feel good about herself. As a teenager, Jordan added another source of inspiration to her life when she helped out with the Special Olympics. The Special Olympics inspired her because she…

aisha chaudhary hopeful determined and wise beyond her years

Aisha Chaudhary – Hopeful, Determined, and Wise Beyond Her Years!

In many ways, Aisha Chaudhary is a typical 15-year-old girl – she likes to dance, is interested in modeling, and enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and dogs. But in one very significant way, Aisha is different – you see, she has a rare immune deficiency disorder and was not expected to even live to her…


Peyton's Promise – "Making the World a Better Place, One Can at a Time"!

When Peyton Medick was eight years old, she watched a TV news show that talked about hunger in America. She learned about a boy who, at 5 years old, did not know what breakfast, lunch, and dinner were. Heartbroken, Peyton knew she had to do something to help. Peyton realized that hunger was a problem…


Timmy "Mini" Tyrrell – "Burn Rubber to Help Another"

Eight-year-old Timmy Tyrrell goes by the nickname “Mini”, but his heart and his dedication to helping others are anything but. When Mini learned that his friend Ella got cancer, he wanted to help, and he knew just what he could do….. Mini loves go-kart racing, so he decided to take this passion and use it to raise money to…

Memorial Day

Memorial Day – Honoring Some of America's Bravest Heroes

On the last Monday of May each year, America observes a very special and significant occasion – Memorial Day. Although many Americans mark the occasion with festivities related to the beginning of the summer, most importantly the day represents a time to remember and honor those who have selflessly served as veterans in America’s military forces. Without the courage and…

african women bicycles

Wheels to Africa – Sending Bikes to Those Who Need them Most!

When teenager Winston Duncan was 10 years old, he and his family took a trip to Africa. What started out as a vacation turned into the inspiration for a wonderful way to help the poor African people Winston saw on his trip….. During his trip, Winston saw a boy and an elderly woman walking down…


Phoebe Russell – Never Too Young to Make a Difference

Do you think you’re too young to make a difference? Well, think again! At only 5 years old, Phoebe Russell saw hungry people in her community, and she decided to do something about it….. Phoebe had seen people on a street one day holding up signs asking for food. She didn’t quite understand what it meant, so she asked her…

Service Dogs

Freedom Service Dogs – Taking "Man's Best Friend" to a Whole New Level!

It is often said that dogs are man’s best friend. Well, this has never been more true than with a very special group of dogs called Freedom Service Dogs. These dogs, who originally come from shelters, are specially trained to be able to help people with everyday tasks. And the people they help? Disabled veterans! When Freedom…


Rescue Dogs: Some of the World's Bravest Heroes!

When you think of a hero, who comes to mind? A firefighter saving a family from a fire? A soldier fighting in a war? How about a dog? Although many think of dogs simply as family pets and faithful companions, the reality is that oftentimes, dogs heroically come to the rescue just when they’re needed…


Earth Day 2012 – Taking Care of Our Home and Preserving Our Future

Every spring, on April 22, the world marks one of its most important observances – Earth Day! Why is it so significant? Earth Day is extremely important because it’s all about the future of the planet we call home! Earth Day celebrates the earth we have and strongly encourages all people to help take care of our…

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