Myles Eckert – 8 Year Old Shows Kindness Always Wins
By inspiredKiD
Myles Eckert went with his family to have breakfast at a diner one morning near where he lives in Toledo, Ohio. In the parking lot, he found a $20 bill. It was what he did next that was truly amazing and inspiring.
In the diner, Myles saw a Military Officer eating with his wife. Myles, who lost his own father through his service in the military, decided to write a brief note and give the money he found to the officer.
To hear the full story, meet Myles and the Military officer he gave the money to, check out his interview with Ellen:
Additional Resources
- Check out other great InspireMyKids quotes and stories about caring and kindness
- Learn about the SnowballExpress, an organization that supports children who have lost a parent in military service
- Find other IMK stories about Soldiers here
Topics for Discussion:
- What character traits does Myles exhibit?
- What inspired Myles to take action and pay it forward to the soldier? What might you have done in this situation?
- Why is it so important to do nice things for others?
Take Action:
- Look for an opportunity to pay it forward to someone this week. It does not have to be with money. A letter, a kind action or deed can all make a difference.
- Really fired up? Get involved with the pay it forward movement and see what is possible by visiting the Pay It Forward Foundation
- Learn about the GoldStarMoms and how you can help them honor their loved ones
Teacher Features:
- Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for elementary school students.
- Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for middle school students.
Get better not bitter. Kindness always wins.