Every Kid Deserves a Bike! Teacher Katie Blomquist Makes it Happen for Entire School!
Katie Blomquist, a 1st grade teacher at Pepperhill Elementary School in North Charleston, South Carolina, learned last year that one of her students wanted a bike for his birthday. But his parents could not afford it.
So, like most other people that you will find here on InspireMyKids, she decided to do something about it!
First, she thought about how to get a bike for that child. Then, she decided to think bigger. How could she also give a bike to his brother? Or how about a bike to every child in her class?
Finally, her vision got even bolder! How might she find a bike for the 650 kids that make up her entire school? Many children at Pepperhill live in poverty and even though Ms. Blomquist could not afford to buy the bikes herself, she felt she now had to do something about it!
So, she decided to start a GoFundMe campaign to raise money. Her request caught on! In less than 6 months, over 1,000 donors from around her community (and even 10 countries around the world) provided over $80,000 in donations! This was enough to buy more than 600 bikes for Pepperhill student, along with helmets and locks!
After a big ceremony to surprise the kids, Ms. Blomquist is not done.
Katie Blomquist is starting a charity called “Going Places,” with a mission “to bring joy to deserving children from low income families by providing them with bikes, swim lessons, summer camp opportunities, and more. This will enrich their growth and fuel their imaginations, supporting the most basic childhood right – a right to joy.” And she has started yet another GoFundMe campaign for her charity to help more schools and kids!
Watch this inspiring video below that tells her story:
Additional Resources:
- Find other InspireMyKids stories about bikes, poverty and giving
- Check out our inspiring quotes for kids about giving and serving others
- Read about other super inspiring causes on GoFundMe
- Learn about Thank A Teacher Day
Topics for Discussion:
- What character traits does Ms. Blomquist demonstrate?
- Can you think of one thing you could do to help other kids to live a better life?
- What are some of the character traits of your best teachers?
- What are some things about life that you have learned from your teachers?
Take Action:
- What do kids in your school need? How could you help make this happen?
- Learn how you can contribute to Ms. Blomquist’s “Going Places” charity, here
- How can you show your support for your teacher? Here is a list with many ideas for how to do so
- Visit the Teach for America website to learn more about those who teach underprivileged kids and how you can support them!