Search Results: family

olivia bouler

Olivia Bouler – Her Passion is "For the Birds"!

12-year-old Olivia Bouler has always had a love of two things – artistry, namely drawing and painting, and the birds she sees as she and her family enjoy the outdoors. In particular, Olivia loves the birds she sees when visiting family in the Gulf of Mexico. So when the Gulf of Mexico suffered a major oil spill in…

aisha chaudhary hopeful determined and wise beyond her years

Aisha Chaudhary – Hopeful, Determined, and Wise Beyond Her Years!

In many ways, Aisha Chaudhary is a typical 15-year-old girl – she likes to dance, is interested in modeling, and enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and dogs. But in one very significant way, Aisha is different – you see, she has a rare immune deficiency disorder and was not expected to even live to her…

african women bicycles

Wheels to Africa – Sending Bikes to Those Who Need them Most!

When teenager Winston Duncan was 10 years old, he and his family took a trip to Africa. What started out as a vacation turned into the inspiration for a wonderful way to help the poor African people Winston saw on his trip….. During his trip, Winston saw a boy and an elderly woman walking down…


Rescue Dogs: Some of the World's Bravest Heroes!

When you think of a hero, who comes to mind? A firefighter saving a family from a fire? A soldier fighting in a war? How about a dog? Although many think of dogs simply as family pets and faithful companions, the reality is that oftentimes, dogs heroically come to the rescue just when they’re needed…


Got Motivation? These Great Quotes Can Help!

One of the best ways to get motivated is to read words of wisdom from the world’s great movers and shakers. In that spirit, here are some of our favorite quotes from people who have inspired the world with their words, actions, and amazing attitudes! This video shows just some of the many great quotes we can…


Cell Phones for Soldiers – Keeping Military Families Connected

Brittany and Robbie Bergquist, two teenagers from Massachusetts, heard a news report one day about a soldier who had racked up a huge cell phone bill in order to keep in touch with his family back home. If the soldier couldn’t pay the bill, he would lose his phone service. Brittany and Robbie decided they couldn’t…


World Autism Awareness Day – Shining a Bright Light on Autism

Do you know anyone with autism? Even if you don’t think you do, chances are that you HAVE encountered an autistic person. That’s because autism occurs on a wide spectrum, with its symptoms ranging from mild to severe. And actually, about 1 in 110 people have this condition! In order to increase recognition of autism…

world water day helping make the dream of clean water for all a reality

World Water Day – Helping Make the Dream of Clean Water for All a Reality!

On March 22 each year, the world marks an important occasion – World Water Day! This day serves as a reminder to all about just how crucial water is for the well-being of the world, both now and in the future. Right now, about 1 billion people on the planet live each day without clean water, and the negative effects…

Emmys Hearts31

The Tutu Lady – Delivering Fun and Joy Where They're Needed Most!

In April 2011, Laura Pita was a busy mom of four boys. On top of that, she was in the midst of a difficult time, supporting her mom and her son as both battled cancer. In order to keep her mind busy during this time, Laura decided to make a tutu for her niece. As she did, she thought about other kids fighting…


Valentine's Day – A Day to Celebrate Those You Love!

On February 14 each year, a very special occasion happens – Valentine’s Day! Although the day was originally a tribute to Saint Valentine and not necessarily an “ode to love”, many legends and traditions developed over the years that helped the day evolve into the love celebration it is today. And what an occasion it has become! It…