We found 293 posts for Responsibility


Every Kid Deserves a Bike! Teacher Katie Blomquist Makes it Happen for Entire School!

Katie Blomquist, a 1st grade teacher at Pepperhill Elementary School in North Charleston, South Carolina, learned last year that one of her students wanted a bike for his birthday.  But his parents could not afford it. So, like most other people that you will find here on InspireMyKids, she decided to do something about it!…

Mariah Nablo

The Gorilla Girl – Saving Gorillas One Cell Phone at a Time!

When Mariah Nablo was six years old, she watched a TV show that talked about problems faced by mountain gorillas in Africa. She learned that they were in danger of extinction because their habitat was being destroyed.  The cause of this trouble was people illegally mining for Coltan, a material used to make cell phones.  Mariah was so moved by what she…


Great Quotes for Kids About Serving Others

Have you ever had someone do a favor for you without being asked? Have you ever had a friend share their most favorite or expensive toy with you? Have you ever eaten at a meal prepared by your parents relative? If so, you know what it is like to be served. Service is the sacrifice…


Great Quotes for Kids about Good Manners!

Has anyone ever bumped into you and then not said anything? Have you ever held a door for someone and they did not say thank you or smile? These are good examples of bad manners. Little things like this can grow into bigger problems and bad habits as people grow older. In fact, your manners…

Gianni Graham

10 Year Old Gianni Graham Collects 5,000 Dolls For Girls In Need!

While most girls like to play with dolls, 10 year old Gianni Graham of Norfolk, Virginia has chosen to give them away!  She gives them to girls in need.  Girls who live in foster care, homeless shelters and others who live in poverty. Gianni started with Barbies. Her goal was to collect 1,000 to give…

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Great Quotes for Boys!

You’re just a boy. Maybe even a young man. We get it. But before you know it, you’ll be on the verge of becoming something even greater! You’re going to be a man.  And hopefully a gentleman! We hear people say “be a man” all the time, but what does it really mean? The definition…

Video Game Design

Careers that Count: So You Want to Be a Video Game Designer?

The Job: Video Game Designer The Gist:  Do you live to play video games? Imagine if you make one up one all of your own! If you’re a video game designer, you can do just that: Come up with an idea for a game, then work with artists and programmers to create the characters and…

Mikaila Ulmer

11-year-old Mikaila Ulmer – Building a Lemonade Empire with Love and Bees!

11-year-old Mikaila Ulmer from Texas is building a lemonade empire, and hoping to save honey bees in the process! It all started when Mikaila was 4 years old and she was stung by a bee twice in one week! This prompted her to become very scared whenever bees were near. In order to help her…

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Do One Thing: Motivate Others to Move!

Want to Make a Difference? Sure, it’s a big world out there, but you can start by stirring up some inspiration right in your own house, school, or neighborhood. In this new feature, InspireMyKids will be challenging you to do one thing that makes a positive change in the world–and giving you the goods on…

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Careers That Count: So You Want to Be a Veterinarian?

What do you want to be when you grow up? Your answer probably changes every day. Or maybe someone you have aspired to be something specific and you’re already working towards it. Whatever your aspirations, it’s never to early to get going on those goals. So each week, we will be highlighting a particular career,…

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